Jackson County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2019 - Jun 30, 2020

4081 - 4-H Science, Engineering, and Technology Core Curriculum
4081.1) 64

Number of youth who indicated they ask questions about how things work (Common Measures – SC 10)

4081.2) 36

Number of youth who indicated they take things apart to see how they work (Common Measures – SC 14)

4081.3) 19

Number of youth who indicated they come up with ideas to build new things (Common Measures – SC 10)

4081.4) 43

Number of youth who indicated they learned new things about engineering in 4-H (Common Measures – SC 10)

4081.5) 29

Number of youth who follow the scientific method when making decisions.

4081.6) 38

Number of youth use knowledge and skills they learned from 4-H SET programs in daily life.

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