Hopkins County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2022 - Jun 30, 2023

1031 - Horticulture, Consumer and Home
1031.12) 0

Number of people who used Extension information to make decisions on site selection, varieties, and /or maintenance  

1031.1) 1091

Number of people who gained knowledge in consumer and home  horticulture including: native plants, disease and pests, composting, site analysis, and proper maintenance

Success Stories

Fall Plant Swap Enhances People’s Knowledge of Plants

Author: Erika Wood

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

Fall Plant Swap Enhances People’s Knowledge of Plants

In the past several years, the Pennyroyal Master Gardener Association has held a spring and fall plant swap at the Hopkins County Farmers Market.  The purpose of the fall plant swap was to give the community an opportunity to come swap plants with one another.  Participants brought plants they were willing to give away and then could pick from plants donated by other participants to take home.  A wide range of plants were brought to the swap and included the following: herbaceous

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Master Gardener Calendar Provides Educational Gardening Resource

Author: Erika Wood

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

Master Gardener Calendar Provides Educational Gardening Resource

For over a decade, the Pennyroyal Master Gardener Association has created a gardening calendar available for the community to learn more about growing plants.  Each year, the master gardener group forms a committee and decides on a particular topic to focus on for the next year’s calendar.   Previous years have showcased bulbs, deer-resistant plants, trees, and much more.  This year’s calendar features vegetable plants.  Once the topic is decided, the committee re

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