Hopkins County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2017 - Jun 30, 2018

4021 - Communications and Expressive Arts 4-H Core Curriculum
4021.1) 401

Number of youth that have improved their communication skills

4021.2) 0

Number of youth that can express themselves through the arts

4021.3) 401

Number of youth that have confidence speaking in front of groups

Success Stories

Enhancing Communication Skills in Youth

Author: Jeremy Teal

Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts 4-H Core Curriculum

The Hopkins County Cooperative Extension Service delivered programming on public speaking and preparing speeches and demonstrations to approximately 401 4-Hers over a three-month period. 4-Hers were instructed on effective communications skills and how to develop a structured presentation. Students learned how to select and research a topic and then develop their idea into a presentation. 4-Hers learned the subtleties associated with a good presentation; such as proper rate, intensity level, flu

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