Hopkins County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2017 - Jun 30, 2018

4041 - Leadership 4-H Core Curriculum
4041.1) 216

Number of youth who indicate they listen to people who have different ideas

4041.2) 617

Number of youth who indicate they can finish a job they started

4041.3) 216

Number of youth who indicate they can take responsibility for their actions

4041.4) 166

Number of youth provided with diversity focused education

4041.5) 100

Number of 4-H members leading a project group or project club

4041.6) 18

Number of 4-H members serving as direct mentors to younger youth

4041.7) 228

Number of youth reported being a better leader (due to skills improved through Extension programming)

Success Stories

4-H Teen Summit

Author: Katie Mills

Major Program: Leadership 4-H Core Curriculum

Kentucky 4-H Teen Summit is a three week program geared towards middle school youth and each county gets the pleasure of participating one weekend of the three weeks. The purpose of Kentucky 4-H Teen Summit help engage youth in more 4-H activities and bring their knowledge back to their county, creativity, develop leadership skills, communication skills, generosity and an opportunity to grow as a person. The event allows counties to attend one weekend out of the three and it takes place at Lake

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