Hickman County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2019 - Jun 30, 2020

1054 - Farmer's Markets
1054.1) 300

Number of participants gaining access to Extension programming at local farmer’s markets

Success Stories

Summer at the Farmers Market is "Just Peachy"!

Author: Mattea Mitchell

Major Program: Farmer's Markets

Summer at the Farmers Market is "Just Peachy"!

The Hickman County Farmers Market is a newer addition to the community. The Hickman County Extension Office staff continues to offer programs at the market, and educate the public on the importance of shopping local and supporting the local producers. In order to celebrate peach season in Hickman County, the Just Peachy program was scheduled for July 13th, 2019. For this program, we partnered with the Four River Counties Early Childhood Council, KAPS Family Resource Center, Hickman County M

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