Hickman County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2017 - Jun 30, 2018

2065 - Food Preparation
2065.1) 52

Number of individuals reporting improved knowledge, opinions, skills, or aspirations regarding the safe storage, handling, and preparation of food

2065.2) 52

Number of individuals who demonstrated safe handling and preparation of food

2065.3) 52

Number of individuals who report intention to cook more

2065.4) 52

Number of individuals who report preparing more healthy home cooked meals

Success Stories

New appliance demonstration increase cooking at home in Carlisle and Hickman Counties

Author: Melissa Goodman

Major Program: Food Preparation

New appliance demonstration increase cooking at home in Carlisle and Hickman Counties

When working with clientele who have busy schedules, an often heard cry is that of too little time to cook for their families. According to Consumer Reports in 2016 more than $720 billion were spent at restaurants across the United States. A recent Forbes poll shows that millennials spend more than 44% of their food budget eating outside of the home. With obesity rates for adults at 39.7%, we can easily confer the direct correlation between fast food/eating out and being overweight. In order to

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