Greenup County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2017 - Jun 30, 2018

3034 - Arts Engagement
3034.1) 5

Number of arts/creative placemaking projects completed

3034.2) 50

Number of artisans participating in Extension program

3034.3) 35

Number of artisans who report an increase in income based on what they learned through Extension programs

3034.4) 80

Number of participants involved in community art projects

3034.5) 12

Number of opportunities for creative expression

3034.6) 6

Number of opportunities for intergenerational creative engagement

3034.7) 0

Number of documented next steps for an individual or community plan inspired by arts engagement projects

3034.8) 1

Number of opportunities to discuss individual perceptions of one’s community through interactive arts activities

3034.9) 300

Number of participants reporting an increase in community pride through participation in Extension arts programming

3034.10) 300

Number of participants reporting an increase in understanding the importance of arts engagement

3034.11) 7

Number of Extension artistic opportunities available for a community to come together

Success Stories

Greenup Arts Professional Learning Community

Author: Anne Stephens

Major Program: Arts Engagement

Greenup County has three school systems: the county school district, and two independent districts. Between all of these schools that service students in grades K – 12, there are twenty-one teachers who are dedicated to arts education. There are also independent arts studios that provide private arts instruction in our community. These studios employ roughly twenty-five arts specialists in the areas of dance, instrumental music, vocal music, theatre, and visual art. All area arts teachers

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