Greenup County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2019 - Jun 30, 2020

3045 - Arts and Community Health
3045.2) 3

Number of cross sector community coalitions in which Extension is involved

3045.3) 0

Number of survivors of domestic violence reporting an increase in self-confidence, resiliency, self-sufficiency or healing as a result of Restoring Hope Writing Program

3045.4) 30

Number of participants reporting improved knowledge, opinions, skills or aspiration regarding the effect of arts engagement on healthy aging

3045.5) 2

Number of healthcare providers reporting an increase in collaboration with artists, arts agencies, or artistic incorporation into their practice

3045.1) 0

Number of participants reporting an increase in healthy behavior due to Extension arts involvement

Success Stories

Warm Up America

Author: Anne Stephens

Major Program: Arts and Community Health

The Greenup County Crochet and Knitting Club that works with the Greenup Arts Extension Program has volunteer members who have been working at home throughout the pandemic of 2020. They continued to communicate digitally and stay creative and connected through their common interest in yarn and community service. When the restrictions allowed for an in-person work session, they respectfully complied with all rules and met at the office to plan their next project. The volunteer leader led by examp

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