Green County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2018 - Jun 30, 2019

2027 - Making Healthy Lifestyle Choices (general)
2027.2) 4

Number of healthy lifestyle-related coalitions in which Extension is involved

2027.3) 232

Number of people that reported eating more of healthy foods

2027.4) 56

Number of individuals who made lifestyle changes (diet, exercise, managing stressors, etc.) for the purpose of improving their health

2027.5) 32

Number of individuals implementing personal health protection practices (screening, immunizations, well-baby care, preventive health practices, etc.)

2027.6) 0

Total weight (in pounds) lost by program participants

2027.7) 0

Total miles walked by program participants

2027.1) 83

Number of people reporting improved lifestyles through a focus on proper nutrition, disease and injury reduction and comprehensive health maintenance

Success Stories

Is Gluten Free For Me?

Author: Jordan Crain

Major Program: Making Healthy Lifestyle Choices (general)

The gluten-free diet is emerging as one of the most popular trend on the market, but gluten seems to be widely misunderstood. In response to requests for more information on gluten-free diets, The Gluten-Free Choice Is it for me? class was offered in Green County.Participants that were able to attend the lesson also received a sample of a gluten-free recipe that had been prepared. At the beginning it was shown that 75% of those attending were not following a gluten-free diet but were hopefu

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The Scoop on Small Appliances

Author: Jordan Crain

Major Program: Making Healthy Lifestyle Choices (general)

Small Appliance WorkshopNew, trendy small appliances seem to be coming out on the market at a rapid rate. These are often marketed to consumers to save time, money and energy. These products are often purchased without being fully researched and the consumer is left with a new machine that they do not know how to properly use. This contributes to money invested in a product that is not being used and space that is now being occupied by bulky boxes. In an effort to educate consumers about ne

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