Graves County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2019 - Jun 30, 2020
4001 - 4-H Youth Development Programming | ||
4001.2) | 56 |
Number of youth who indicated they try to learn from their mistakes (Common Measures UN 3) |
4001.3) | 56 |
Number of youth who indicated they are willing to work hard on something difficult (Common Measures UN 4) |
4001.4) | 56 |
Number of youth who indicated they stop to think about their choices before making a decision (Common Measures UN 5) |
4001.5) | 56 |
Number of youth who indicated they think about how their choices affect others (Common Measures UN 6) |
4001.1) | 56 |
Number of youth who indicated they like to learn new things (Common Measures UN 1) |
4001.6) | 56 |
Number of youth who indicated they set goals for themselves (Common Measures UN 7) |
4001.7) | 56 |
Number of youth who indicated they keep trying until they reach their goals (Common Measures UN 8) |
4001.8) | 56 |
Number of youth who indicated they treat others the way they want to be treated (Common Measures UN 9) |
4001.9) | 56 |
Number of youth who indicated they follow the rules even if no one is watching (Common Measures UN 10) |
4001.10) | 56 |
Number of youth who indicated they are willing to try something they may get wrong (Common Measures UN 21) |
4001.11) | 56 |
Number of youth who indicated they are connected to a caring adult. |
4001.12) | 56 |
Number of youth who applied the skills they learned in 4-H to home, school, or community. |
Success Stories
Brown Bag Programs Reach Families During Pandemic
Author: Kelsey Chadwick
Major Program: 4-H Youth Development Programming
The COVID-19 pandemic presented many challenges for the community as schools were moved online and parents were home from work. In an effort to address these issues, the Graves County Extension Office offered Grab-n-Go Project Bags to give youth something to do after their NTI work was completed. This gave youth something to look forward to as many enrichment programs were cancelled and also helped continue their at-home education. Project bags that were designed, assembled, and distributed
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4-H Olympics Engages Families From Home
Author: Kelsey Chadwick
Major Program: 4-H Youth Development Programming

During the COVID-19 pandemic, families were encouraged to stay home and Extension services could not be provided in person. To meet this challenge and provide youth with long-term programming, the Graves County 4-H program offered an opportunity for at-home learning through the 4-H Virtual Olympics. Youth ranked which of the 7 teams representing the 7 curriculum areas of Kentucky 4-H that they were most interested in. Options included River Ramblers (Natural Resources), Tech Wizards (Science, En
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4-H Reaches Partners to Reach Underserved Audiences During Pandemic
Author: Kelsey Chadwick
Major Program: 4-H Youth Development Programming
During the COVID-19 pandemic, 4-H was able to partner with organizations serving underserved youth to reach clients who may not have had internet or transportation access to access Brown Bag or Virtual programming. Kits were assembled that included three lessons on international education including Japanese paper cranes, Taiwanese lanterns, and Mexican tissue paper crafts. Kits included all information needed to complete the lesson at home with all included materials.Kits were then distributed t
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