Garrard County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2020 - Jun 30, 2021
4012 - 21st Century Skills (Career & Workplace Development) | ||
4012.1) | 0 |
Number of youth who received the 4-H/UK CAFE marketing materials |
4012.11) | 250 |
Number of youth who participated in college and career educational programs (KOSA) |
4012.12) | 1 |
Number of youth who completed resume or interview through 4-H programs (PRACTICE) |
4012.13) | 0 |
Number of youth who indicated “yes or usually” to the Common Measures Experience Survey Question #6 “Is 4-H A place where you get to figure out things for yourself?” (SEEC) |
4012.19) | 0 |
Number of youth who indicated “yes or usually” to the Common Measures Experience Survey Question #13 “Is 4-H a place where you have a chance to be a leader?” (SEEC) |
Success Stories
A Conversation about Career Choices
Author: Eric Comley
Major Program: 21st Century Skills (Career & Workplace Development)

The challenges of the COVID-19 are varied and many. Traditional programmatic opportunities are met with an unfortunate reality of postponement or cancellation. One such program is Career Days at our local Elementary, Middle, and High School. These days serve our youth population to give them a glimpse of the career options within our local community. In a recent post by America's Promise, the organization stated, "Students who are involved in career exploration are more likely to plan t
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment