Garrard County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2020 - Jun 30, 2021
2066 - Nutrition and Food Systems General | ||
2066.3) | 0 |
Dollars in EBT, WIC, or Senior benefits redeemed at farmers’ markets |
2066.4) | 0 |
Number of families/caregivers who reported supplementing their diets with healthy foods that they grew or preserved (community or backyard gardens, fishing, hunting, farmers markets) |
2066.5) | 0 |
Number of individuals who reported increased knowledge, skills, or intentions related to using the nutrition facts label |
2066.2) | 350 |
Number of individuals who reported they utilized delivery systems/access points (e.g. farmers’ markets, CSAs, WIC, food pantries) that offer healthy foods |
2066.1) | 0 |
Number of individuals who reported eating 4-6 servings of fruits and/or vegetables daily |
Success Stories
Healthy Snacks for Kids
Author: Lisa Lamb
Major Program: Nutrition and Food Systems General
During this Covid 19 pandemic I found a way to still keep in touch with my families while I was still able to keep socially distant and taking all percautions for my health and the health of the families. Garrard County has 1135 children enrolled in our School Systems, these children some of which live way out in the county are under served families. I devised a way to make contact with these families by creating healthy snack kits for the children in my county. I started working with the local
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Keeping In Touch during a pandemic
Author: Lisa Lamb
Major Program: Nutrition and Food Systems General
Garrard County KY enrolls 1,135 students in our County school system. In late March of this year as we all know everything stopped even children going to school in person. Along with myself the FSC Agent we were able to figure out away to continue to reach out to the children in our county. We developed Fun Newsletters, which included coloring sheets for the younger kids, word search puzzles for the older kids and the parents, and always a healthy kid friendly recipe. We were able to continue to
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The Joy of Cooking
Author: Lisa Lamb
Major Program: Nutrition and Food Systems General
I started a new class in late July at a recovery center there were 6 participants at the first lesson. 3 of those 6 proclaimed that they did not like to cook, Cooking was a chore that had to be done and 1 said I don't cook because all you can do is cook the same ole thing week after week. On the third lesson I was told by these same 3 clients that they don't feel like it is a chore anymore, one said they will never starve to death because they now can cook good food, they all three said
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Traveling Taste Buds; Cooking School thru Google Meets
Author: Mary Hixson
Major Program: Nutrition and Food Systems General

Trying to reach youth audience with SNAP-Ed Assistant for cooking experiences during the pandemic. All Garrard County students have Chrome Books for their classroom work and use the format, Google Meets. Collaborating with school administrators and the Community Education Director, we set up a Google Meets bi-weekly cooking school with an international flare. Basing the educational component on Teen Cuisine curriculum and using or creating recipes with individual countries' flavors, each wee
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment