Gallatin County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2019 - Jun 30, 2020

4041 - 4-H Family and Consumer Science Core Curriculum
4041.1) 25

Number of youth who know how to follow a recipe to make something to eat

4041.2) 15

Number of youth how know how to make changes to a recipe

4041.3) 25

Number of youth who know how to use measuring cups and spoons

4041.4) 10

Number of youth who know how to use knives safely

4041.5) 17

Number of youth who know how to handle hot pots and pans safely

4041.6) 25

Number of youth who know how to keep their cooking area clean to stop germs spreading

Success Stories

Cooking Camp in a Box

Author: Lora Stewart

Major Program: 4-H Family and Consumer Science Core Curriculum

Thousands of schools have closed their doors in March  due to COVID-19 leaving many parents juggling working remotely, homeschooling their children, as well as everyday house hold chores.  These challenges parents are facing at home are unprecedented. For many years, Gallatin County Extension has offered several 4-H Cooking Camps throughout the summer but this year due to COVID-19 this was not possible. So the Gallatin County 4-H Council thought “outside the box” to offer a

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