Franklin County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2022 - Jun 30, 2023
1019 - Small Farm Diversification | ||
1019.1) | 5 |
Number of farmers who had better understanding of sustainable production systems because they attended Third Thursday events (KSU) |
1019.11) | 9 |
Number of farmers who have diversified their small farms, or added “new enterprises” |
1019.121) | 2 |
Number of farmers who implemented new practices as a result of attending Third Thursday events (KSU) |
Success Stories
“KSU Small Farm Outreach Training and Technical Assistant Coordinator Provides Technical Assistance for Minority Pasture Poultry Farmer in Madison County, Kentucky”
Author: Edwin Chavous
Major Program: Small Farm Diversification
The Kentucky State University (KSU) Small Farm Program is an Extension program designed to help farm families with decision-making skills to solve farm and home problems. It includes educational programs that emphasize farm production, farm management, and marketing. It also includes the use and understanding of local county programs and USDA agencies and their programs, plus providing technical assistance in completing applications for the program and the entire application process.  
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Small Farm Conference Western Style 2023 Serving African Americans in the south western part of Kentucky Was A Success.
Author: Edwin Chavous
Major Program: Small Farm Diversification

The Small Farm Conference Western Style was held on Friday June 9 and Saturday June 10 with KSU’s Edwin Chavous, Marion Simon, Farmer Dr. Nancy Dawson, and former KSU Diversity Specialist Gae Broadwater guiding the event.The theme of the Small Farm Conference Western Style was: An Introductory Conference About Fermentation And Distillation. The program follows: June 9, 2023 – Friday3:30 p.m. CDT Opening of the ConferenceWelcomeVisit with representatives from USDA and
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“KSU Small Farm Outreach Training and Technical Assistant Coordinator Provides Technical Assistance for Minority Sweet Potatoes Farmer in Madison County, Kentucky”
Author: Edwin Chavous
Major Program: Small Farm Diversification

The Kentucky State University (KSU) Small Farm Program is an Extension program designed to help farm families with decision-making skills to solve farm and home problems. It includes educational programs that emphasize farm production, farm management, and marketing. It also includes the use and understanding of local county programs and USDA agencies and their programs, plus providing technical assistance in completing applications for the program and the entire application process.  
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2022 Small, Limited Resource, Minority Farmers Conference At Kentucky State University Was A Success.
Author: Edwin Chavous
Major Program: Small Farm Diversification

During November 15 thru 17, 2022 Kentucky State University hosted, the 24th Annual Kentucky Small, Limited-Resource, Minority Farmers Conference in conjunction with the 3rd Thursday Thing Workshop. There were twenty-eight agriculture break out sections offered to farmers during this period. During the 3rd Thursday Thing Workshop there were 6 sustainable agriculture educational sections offered to farmers. The following two awards were given during the conference; Ken
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment