Jefferson County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2018 - Jun 30, 2019

4071 - Science, Engineering and Technology 4-H Core Curriculum
4071.1) 527

Number of youth who use knowledge and skills developed from 4-H science, engineering and technology programs in daily life

4071.2) 477

Number of youth who follow scientific methods when making decisions

4071.3) 477

Number of youth who do SET activities outside of school

4071.4) 477

Number of youth who create a display or object related to SET and can explain what they have learned

Success Stories

Summer Coding

Author: Chanda Hall

Major Program: Science, Engineering and Technology 4-H Core Curriculum

This summer 130 students from Sowing Seeds with Faith Summer Camp entered the world of robotics and learned the basics of coding.  Utilizing Ozobots, students solved puzzles, designed mazes, and developed codes to get their Ozobot from one endpoint another.  Ozobots have color sensors which recognize color patterns students draw on paper with markers to control the actions of the robot.  The Ozobot will follow a solid black line but when students add short color sequences that mat

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