Johnson County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2022 - Jun 30, 2023

4052 - Camping
4052.12) 6

The number of youth who participated in day or overnight, 4-H non-environmental camps at your office, 4-H camp facility, or other location (i.e. project day camps, etc) (PRACTICE)

4052.11) 0

The number of youth who participated in day or overnight, 4-H environmental camps at your office, 4-H camp facility, or other location (PRACTICE)

4052.1) 47

The number of youth who participated in overnight, 4-H summer camp(s) (PRACTICE)

Success Stories

4-H Camping

Author: Dianna Reed

Major Program: Camping

The Johnson County CEC and Adult 4-H Council identified Youth Life Skill Development as a program priority in the 4 year Plan of Work. To address this need, the 4-H Agent, Extension personnel, 4-H Council, local School FRC's, local businesses and volunteers worked together to secure funding for 4-H Camp Scholarships, provide volunteer training, and recruit youth to attend 4-H Camp. The Johnson County Adult 4-H Council conducted an annual fundraiser which enabled them to offer each child that

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