Johnson County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2018 - Jun 30, 2019

3033 - Trail Design
3033.1) 1

Number of arts/creative placemaking projects completed

3033.2) 6

Number of artisans participating in Extension program

3033.4) 0

Number of participants involved in community art projects

3033.5) 1

Number of trails designed in the community

3033.6) 30

Number of participants in Trail Town Designation process

3033.7) 0

Number of participants in community design charrettes

3033.8) 50

Number of volunteer hours devoted to trail development

3033.9) 2

Number of increased public support initiatives for improvements (zoning, legislation)

3033.3) 0

Number of artisans who report an increase in income based on what they learned through Extension programs

Success Stories

Environmental program

Author: Brenda Cockerham

Major Program: Trail Design

The Johnson County Extension Homemakers Environmental chair selected the Paintsville Lake "Outdoor Classroom" as the county's main project for 2018-24. The goal was to create an edible trail, repair a former shed, create a pollinator field and teach environmental classes to the public to hep enhance understanding of the world around us. In 2018, we also gained the state's KEHA International chair, who also prioritized the reduction of plastics and constructive uses for "th

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