Marion County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2022 - Jun 30, 2023

1088 - Substance Use and Mental Health - ANR
1088.1) 0

Number of individuals who reported an increased knowledge of substance use prevention, addiction, and/or recovery (or related subject matter)

1088.2) 0

Number of individuals who reported an increased ability to use destigmatized language

1088.3) 0

Number of individuals who adopted/implemented strategies focused on substance use prevention and/or recovery

1088.4) 0

Number of youth who experienced improved social skills and/or self-efficacy

1088.5) 0

Number of individuals who reported intended behavior change as a result of participation in substance use prevention and/or recovery programming

1088.6) 5

Number of individuals who gained increased knowledge of how to respond to mental health concerns

Success Stories

Farmer Suicide Prevention

Author: Chelsea Sapp

Major Program: Substance Use and Mental Health - ANR

Chelsea SappANR Success Story #1October 2022 Farmer Suicide Prevention At a recent Marion County Cattlemen meeting, Dale Dobson and Dr. Cheryl Witt gave a very informative lesson on farmer suicide prevention. I organized this event and worked with Dale Dobson, safety coordinator for the Kentucky Department of Agriculture and Dr. Cheryl Witt on coming to speak with our membership about suicide prevention. From 2004-2017, 109 farmers died due to suicide in Kentucky. With at least on

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