Knott County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2020 - Jun 30, 2021

2027 - Active Living and Health Promotions General
2027.2) 28

Number of program participants who demonstrated an increase in physical activity levels

2027.3) 12

Number of program participants who improved one or more health indicator (cholesterol, blood pressure, body mass index, blood glucose)

2027.4) 0

Number of participants who attended age related health and wellness programs not identified as a “major program.”Major age-related programs include: Keys to Embracing Again, 10 Warning Signs, and AARP Prepare to Care

2027.5) 0

Number of individuals who attended a fall prevention program

2027.1) 58

Number of program participants reporting adoption of physical activity practices

Success Stories

Patriot Fit Blue

Author: Linda Combs

Major Program: Active Living and Health Promotions General

Heart disease is the number one cause of death among American women.  Two people die in America every minute from heart disease.  Knott county ranks 112 in Kentucky health rankings for 2020.  Knott County Family and Consumer Science was asked by ARH Cardiovascular & Thoracic Association a department of Hazard ARH regional medical center to collaborate with a heart healthy nutrition and health program.  After discussing with the health care professionals, it was decided to

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