Bell County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2020 - Jun 30, 2021

2061 - Plate It Up! Kentucky Proud
2061.4) 0


Number of vendors reporting increased sales at markets where Plate it up! Kentucky Proud recipes are tasted or recipe cards distributed

2061.1) 20


Number of individuals more likely to buy a Kentucky fruit or vegetable as a result of receiving a Plate It Up! Kentucky Proud recipe card or sampling a recipe

2061.3) 20


Number of individuals who reported an increase in their fruit and/or vegetable consumption as a result of participating in a Plate it up! Kentucky Proud program

2061.5) 0


Dollar value of vendor-reported increased sales associated with Plate it up! Kentucky Proud recipes tasted or cards distributed

2061.2) 20


Number of individuals who indicated that they purchased the fruits and vegetables featured on the Plate It Up! Kentucky Proud recipe card

Success Stories

Plate It Up Kentucky

Author: Rebecca Miller

Major Program: Plate It Up! Kentucky Proud

Because of COVID-19 and a nationwide shutdown, more families found themselves staying in and preparing more meals at home. In efforts to educate and help with healthy eating and safe food/meal preparation a series of grab and go lessons and Facebook live videos were developed by the Cooperative Extension Service, University of Kentucky Specialist and the Kentucky Department of Agriculture to implement the Plate It Up Kentucky Proud program.20 participants were given Plate It Up recipe cards and

Full Story