Allen County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2019 - Jun 30, 2020
4001 - 4-H Youth Development Programming | ||
4001.2) | 67 |
Number of youth who indicated they try to learn from their mistakes (Common Measures UN 3) |
4001.3) | 46 |
Number of youth who indicated they are willing to work hard on something difficult (Common Measures UN 4) |
4001.4) | 54 |
Number of youth who indicated they stop to think about their choices before making a decision (Common Measures UN 5) |
4001.5) | 37 |
Number of youth who indicated they think about how their choices affect others (Common Measures UN 6) |
4001.1) | 163 |
Number of youth who indicated they like to learn new things (Common Measures UN 1) |
4001.6) | 132 |
Number of youth who indicated they set goals for themselves (Common Measures UN 7) |
4001.7) | 87 |
Number of youth who indicated they keep trying until they reach their goals (Common Measures UN 8) |
4001.8) | 83 |
Number of youth who indicated they treat others the way they want to be treated (Common Measures UN 9) |
4001.9) | 53 |
Number of youth who indicated they follow the rules even if no one is watching (Common Measures UN 10) |
4001.10) | 79 |
Number of youth who indicated they are willing to try something they may get wrong (Common Measures UN 21) |
4001.11) | 137 |
Number of youth who indicated they are connected to a caring adult. |
4001.12) | 148 |
Number of youth who applied the skills they learned in 4-H to home, school, or community. |
Success Stories
Keeping Kids Engaged and Learning through Hands-On Activities during COVID-19
Author: Anna Meador
Major Program: 4-H Youth Development Programming

As a response to COVID-19 school and community closings, Allen County Cooperative Extension Service and 4-H Program sought to meet a community need to provide continued education opportunities amid the new social and distance learning climate. Due to the COVID-19 social distancing period, the 4-H and Extension Programs developed an “Extension Tool Box” that helped to keep clients informed and continuously involved with 4-H and Extension programs with Take-n-Go Education kits.In
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