Adair County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2018 - Jun 30, 2019
4041 - Leadership 4-H Core Curriculum | ||
4041.1) | 400 |
Number of youth who indicate they listen to people who have different ideas |
4041.2) | 400 |
Number of youth who indicate they can finish a job they started |
4041.3) | 400 |
Number of youth who indicate they can take responsibility for their actions |
4041.5) | 30 |
Number of 4-H members leading a project group or project club |
4041.6) | 30 |
Number of 4-H members serving as direct mentors to younger youth |
4041.7) | 70 |
Number of youth reported being a better leader (due to skills improved through Extension programming) |
4041.4) | 100 |
Number of youth provided with diversity focused education |
Success Stories
4-H Issues Conference Develops Teen Leadership Skills
Author: Michael Rose
Major Program: Leadership 4-H Core Curriculum
Kentucky 4-H offers an experiential learning environment where youth can develop problem-solving techniques to address local, community issues. The Kentucky 4-H Issues conference is for high school youth who have a desire to make a difference in their community. Since its inception, the conference schedule has changed, but the focus and goals have not. The goals of the KY 4-HIC are for Delegates to:Enrich their citizenship/civic engagement rolesEnhance their leadership skillsDevelop public
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Kentucky 4-H Leadership Boot Camp
Author: Michael Rose
Major Program: Leadership 4-H Core Curriculum

Kentucky 4-H aims to engage youth through hands-on leadership experiences where they can build leadership competencies at the beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels of 4-H involvement. It has been a trend that Kentucky 4-H State Officers serve on one of these state-level boards before applying and running for office. It is a goal of Kentucky 4-H that youth who are interested in applying to run as a Kentucky 4-H State Officer have state-level opportunities to fully develop as a leader, there
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Teen Programming Increases Positive Youth Development
Author: Michael Rose
Major Program: Leadership 4-H Core Curriculum
The Centers for Disease Control reported that 10% of Kentucky high school students reported at least one major depressive episode during the previous 12 months; 15% reported seriously contemplating suicide, and 8% reported actually attempting suicide in the same period. According to the Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, and the Surgeon General (2009), there are several community-level protective factors that help youth avoid mental, emotional, and beh
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