Madison County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2019 - Jun 30, 2020

1126 - Woodland Education
1126.1) 16

Number of individuals that attended woodland education programs

1126.2) 0

Number of woodland acres owned by woodland education program attendees

1126.3) 0

Number of individuals that increased their understanding of the importance of healthy and productive woodland

1126.4) 0

Number of individuals indicating the woodland education program(s) helped them with their woodland

1126.5) 3

Number of individuals that planned or implemented one or more woodland management practices

1126.6) 11

Number of individuals with a management plan and those that plan to get one

1126.7) 4

Number of individuals that planned or worked with a natural resource professional

1126.8) 5

Number of individuals that planned or encouraged others to implement woodland management practices

Success Stories

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