Bath County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2020 - Jun 30, 2021

3016 - Community Engagement
3016.1) 3

Number of participants reporting new leadership roles and leadership opportunities

3016.2) 0

Number of those who now serve as a mentor to others

3016.4) 4

Number of those who are comfortable addressing community issues through local leadership

3016.5) 0

Number of those who take time to recruit and engage people to undertake community projects

3016.3) 0

Number of individuals who are comfortable identifying community problems

3016.15) 0

Number of new groups/networks/coalitions formed through agreement or formal arrangement

Success Stories

Covid 19 county efforts

Author: Robert Amburgey

Major Program: Community Engagement

The Bath County Extension office, in collaboration with local county government, local EMS, the regional health department and the 10 surrounding counties served as a regional receiving station for much needed medical supplies related to the covid 19 pandemic.  The Bath County facility was designed to handle shipping and receiving of produce with loading docks, forklifts and pallet movers.  Because of our unique design and available equipment, the Bath County facility was designated ea

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