Boone County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2021 - Jun 30, 2022
2031 - Family Development General | ||
2031.15) | 192 |
Number of participants who attended age-related programs focused on relationships/communication/caregiving and other issues facing aging families not identified as a “major program.” Major age-related programs include: Keys to Embracing Again, 10 Warning Signs, and AARP Prepare to Care |
2031.14) | 84 |
Number of participants who attended parenting-related programs not identified as a “major program.” Major parent-related programs include: Parenting a Second Time Around, Grandparents as Parents, Nurturing Parenting, and Nurturing Fathers |
2031.13) | 72 |
Number of participants who reported that they better understand the importance of caregiving preparation as a result of aging programs |
2031.12) | 0 |
Number of individuals who extended any type of support to another parent, grandparent, or relative raising a child |
2031.11) | 46 |
Number of individuals who sought support from local community organizations and/or its individual members |
2031.10) | 0 |
Number of individuals who practice effective parenting skills, such as parental empathy, proper ways of establishing family rules and/or boundaries, or concrete support of their child |
2031.9) | 0 |
Number of individuals who reported using specific preventative and positive discipline techniques in response to child’s misbehavior |
2031.7) | 94 |
Number of individuals (parents, caregivers, grandparent, or relative) reporting improved personal knowledge (i.e., developmental stages of a child, techniques to encourage positive development, positive discipline techniques for children, healthy ways to promote children’s success in schools, and signs of abuse and neglect) |
2031.8) | 6 |
Number of individuals reporting improved parenting skills (i.e., skills to prepare child for life; use positive discipline techniques; use of empathy, family rules and effective boundaries; effective self-care techniques) |
Success Stories
Fairy Gardens
Author: Elizabeth Evans
Major Program: Family Development General

Children begin learning well before they reach the classroom. They begin learning at home with their parents and therefore parents play a crucial role in kindergarten readiness. When parents are more involved with early childhood education and development, it is more likely that they will be involved in kindergarten and throughout a child’s school experience. Low-income families often face many barriers to providing early educational opportunities that are high-quality for their children.
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Be Prepared: Pet First Aid and CPR
Author: Elizabeth Evans
Major Program: Family Development General
For many, pets have always been an integral piece of the family unit. As a result of Covid-19, many more families added pets with more than 23 million American households adopting a pet during the pandemic according to the ASPCA. A MetLife survey conducted among pet insurance policy holders found that only 2% had taken a pet first aid course and only 10% had a pet first aid kit in their home. In addition, 49% of dog owners and 80% of cat owners acknowledged needing more training to be able to be
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Are You Weather Ready?
Author: Elizabeth Evans
Major Program: Family Development General
Tornadoes are the most destructive of all atmospheric conditions. Wind speeds within these violently rotating columns of air can reach up to 318 mph. A study published in npj Climate and Atmospheric Science noted that there has been an upward trend in tornado frequency among the Southeast, including Kentucky. Unfortunately, the Southeast already the maximum occurrence of casualties as a result from tornadoes. From January 2021 through March 2022 there were 79 tornadoes in the state of Kentu
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