Elliott County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2019 - Jun 30, 2020

1054 - Farmer's Markets
1054.1) 750

Number of participants gaining access to Extension programming at local farmer’s markets

Success Stories

Elliott County Farmers Market Plate it Up Kentucky Proud

Author: Keith Center

Major Program: Farmer's Markets

Elliott County Farmers Market Plate it Up Kentucky Proud

The Elliott County Farmers’ Market is well frequented by shoppers hungry for fresh and local produce in the summer months. In an effort to fill the void of the vacant Family and Consumer Sciences Agent position, summer intern Alyssa Cox set up at the market several times throughout the summer. She used venue to inform the community about proper nutrition, cooking methods, and financially smart shopping practices. To draw people in, she handed out samples of Plate it Up Kentucky Proud recip

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