Bourbon County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2024 - Jun 30, 2025
1072 - Forages | ||
1072.7) | 0 |
Number of producers who planted or started using any alternative forage for grazing |
1072.5) | 0 |
Number of producers who improved and/or used temporary fencing |
1072.4) | 0 |
Number of producers who developed or implemented a grazing plan |
1072.3) | 0 |
Number of producers who used Extension recommendations to improve quality of haylage/silage storage |
1072.2) | 0 |
Number of people who made decisions based on Extension research including interseeding clover/legume, using cover crops and/or alternate forage species |
1072.6) | 1 |
Number of producers who conducted on-farm demonstrations or applied research trials |
1072.1) | 62 |
Number of people who gained knowledge of forage production, management and/or profitability which could include species, best management practices for species, forage harvest and storage, pasture renovation |
Success Stories
2024 Central KY Hay Contest
Author: Lindsay Arthur
Major Program: Forages
The second annual Central Kentucky Hay Contest was a resounding success, showcasing the dedication and collaboration of agricultural agents, specialists, and producers across 14 counties. A total of 236 hay samples were collected, representing the diverse efforts of local farmers to produce high-quality hay. Agricultural agents spent countless hours collecting these samples, an effort that not only provided crucial data but also strengthened relationships with farmers through valuable one-on-one
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Master Haymaker Program
Author: Lindsay Arthur
Major Program: Forages
Kentucky ranks 4th nationally for hay production. In 2023, more than 2 million acres were harvested, producing 4.16 million tons of hay. Alfalfa hay production by Kentucky farmers is estimated at 270,000 tons with sales in 2022 totaling a whopping 344 million dollars. (National Agriculture Statistics Service and Economic Research Commission). The opportunity and market to sell high quality hay is present but the requirements to get to a quality finished product can be daunting. Agriculture
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment