McLean County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2020 - Jun 30, 2021

1073 - Tobacco
1073.2) 20

Number of producers achieving iTobacco GAP certification

1073.1) 20

NNumber of producers who participated in Tobacco GAP training

1073.3) 2

Number of producers who used Extension information to select varieties of tobacco with appropriate disease resistance

1073.4) 0

Number of producers who implemented on-farm trials for tobacco  production

Success Stories

Tobacco GAP trainings

Author: John Fourqurean

Major Program: Tobacco

The past several years Mclean County like most counties tobacco production has certainly declined. However there are still several tobacco producers that have now started relying on the McLean County Cooperative Extension Service to provide their yearly GAP training, due to COVID-19 restrictions many companies have quit providing these GAP trainings for their producers. The McLean County Ag Agent hosted 2 different GAP training sessions for the McLean County producers as well as a few producers

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