Clinton County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2022 - Jun 30, 2023

2084 - Economic Development and Workforce Preparation - FCS
2084.4) 0

Number of events providing local entrepreneurship opportunities

2084.3) 0

Number of business start-ups

2084.2) 12

Number of individuals reporting a new skill to prepare themselves for the workforce

2084.1) 0

Number of businesses retained or expanded (including new market opportunities)

Success Stories

Babysitting Clinic

Author: Christy Stearns

Major Program: Economic Development and Workforce Preparation - FCS

Due to increased work responsibilities for parents, older siblings are often left to care for young children or they are being cared for by adolescent babysitters. Results of a local Family Resource Youth Services Center survey indicated that parents needed trained babysitters who are better qualified to care for their young children. A two-day babysitting clinic was implemented for middle and high school students to address this need. Topics presented included infant care and hands-on practice

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