Clinton County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2017 - Jun 30, 2018

4051 - Health 4-H Core Curriculum
4051.1) 620

Number of youth that report making healthy lifestyle choices

4051.2) 620

Number of youth that report not engaging in risky behavior

4051.3) 620

Number of youth that report feeling good about themselves

4051.4) 620

Number of youth that report that they know how to handle stress

Success Stories

Skipping for FUN!!!

Author: James Cecil

Major Program: Health 4-H Core Curriculum

In 2018 we opened our yearly Sally up to the other counties that we are going to be camping with this year.  Cumberland and Casey both participated and came to Clinton County to participate in our Sally.  We were able to talk about some healthy life choices like how exercise is good for your body and how water is much better for you to consume instead of soft drinks.  I am amazed at how much children really enjoy learning and exercising while having fun.  All students learned

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