Clay County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2019 - Jun 30, 2020

4061 - 4-H Health Core Curriculum
4061.1) 0

Number of youth who indicated they pay attention to how much fruit they eat each day (Common Measures – HE 1)

4061.2) 0

Number of youth who indicated they pay attention to how many vegetables they eat each day (Common Measures – HE 2)

4061.3) 0

Number of youth who indicated they pay attention to how much water they drink each day (Common Measures – HE 3)

4061.4) 0

Number of youth who indicated they eat breakfast every day or most days (Common Measures – HE 6)

4061.5) 400

Number of youth who indicated they learned about healthy food choices through 4-H (Common Measures – HE 10)

4061.6) 67

Number of youth who indicated they pay attention to how active they are each day (Common Measures – BA 1)

4061.7) 0

Number of youth who indicated they pay attention to how much time they spend in front of a screen (TV, computer, tablet, or smartphone) each day (Common Measures – BA 2)

4061.8) 355

Number of youth who indicated they talked about ways to be active in 4-H (Common Measures – BA 5)

4061.9) 0

Number of youth that report they know how to handle stress

4061.10) 350

Number of youth who report making healthy lifestyle choices

Success Stories

Making Hygiene a Healthy Habit

Author: Alissa Ackerman

Major Program: 4-H Health Core Curriculum

Making Hygiene a Healthy Habit

According to the Center for Disease Control, hand-washing can prevent the spread of 1 in 5 flu, cold as well as numerous other infections. During the COVID-19 pandemic, many local communities and schools were concerned for the safety and health of their students and families. A local school requested a hygiene program to provide students with skills needed during this uncertain time.  By collaborating with the local hospital, Family Youth Resource Centers and 4-H Teen Club, the 4-H Agent im

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