Clay County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2018 - Jun 30, 2019

1041 - Pesticide Safety – Plant Pests
1041.1) 11

Number of producers who plan to complete the Kentucky Pesticide Applicator Training

1041.2) 11

Number of producers who  successfully completed Kentucky Pesticide Applicator Training

1041.3) 2

Number of producers who plan to train workers in worker protection standards (WPS)

1041.4) 2

Number of producers who trained workers in worker protection standards (WPS)

1041.5) 0

Number of producers who plan on making changes to their farm’s  chemical handling, storage and disposal practices

1041.6) 0

Number of producers who  changed aspects of their farm’s chemical handling, storage, and disposal practices

1041.7) 0

Number of producers with plans to communicate with neighbors around their farm about pesticide sensitive areas

1041.8) 0

Number of producers who  communicated with neighbors/users of pesticide-sensitive areas around their farm

1041.9) 12

Number of producers who plan to improve spray application record-keeping (including the posting of signage) as a result of participating in this program

1041.10) 9

Number of producers who  improved spray application record keeping, including posting signage

Success Stories

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