Clark County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2022 - Jun 30, 2023

1123 - Wildlife Habitat and Damage Management Education
1123.41) 69

Number of people who shared information or advocated that native wildlife has a value and purpose.  

1123.4) 1500

Number of acres impacted by practices relating to wildlife habitat, management or damage

1123.2) 20

Number of people who implemented one or more practices related to wildlife habitat, management, and/or damage

1123.1) 106

Number of people who increased knowledge of wildlife habitat, management, or damage identification or control

Success Stories

Youth Fishing

Author: Levi Berg

Major Program: Wildlife Habitat and Damage Management Education

According to the 2011 National Survey of Fishing, Hunting and Wildlife-Associated Recreation of Kentucky Survey, there are 347,000 hunters in the state of Kentucky, and unfortunately, that is a decrease of 7% of hunters in from 2011 to 2001. Due to this decrease, the Kentucky Fish and Wildlife started working with the University of Kentucky Extension Agents to help in the recruiting process of new anglers. In 2022, the Clark County Extension wanted to help increase youth participation in fishing

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