Clark County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2022 - Jun 30, 2023

1031 - Horticulture, Consumer and Home
1031.12) 300

Number of people who used Extension information to make decisions on site selection, varieties, and /or maintenance  

1031.1) 2000

Number of people who gained knowledge in consumer and home  horticulture including: native plants, disease and pests, composting, site analysis, and proper maintenance

Success Stories

Agventures on Depot

Author: Carrie Spry

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

The Clark County Extension Agents worked with Clark County Farm Bureau and participated in an event call Agventures on Depot. This event brought together farmers, growers, producers, bankers, and more to help introduce and educate youth about agriculture. All program areas of Clark Extension worked together while participating in this event to offer the youth several activities along with educational information. Kentucky Department of Agriculture's "Kentucky Kate" was loaned to Ex

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Extension Fall Festival

Author: Carrie Spry

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

"Extension is the best kept secret" is a phrase every extension employee has heard at one point in time. Clark County Extension decided to try and spread the news about all of the wonderful services extension offers and hopefully reach new people thru a Fall Fest event. This event was free and open to everyone of all ages. Many steps were made in advertising this event including articles in the local newspaper and shows on local radio. Many activities were offered from fish casting com

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2023 Winter Schol

Author: Carrie Spry

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

The ANR Agent and Horticulture Agent worked together for the 2023 Winter School series. Clark Extension hosted 3 nights full of education for the public. Topics covered included fencing laws, water management around structures, drones in the fields, getting ready for garden pests, growing perennial vegetables, beef health update, minerals for cattle production, and heavy use pads. More than 80 people attended each night for a combined total attendance of over 240 people. The local Farm Bureau gr

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Vegetable Gardening Series

Author: Carrie Spry

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

One of the top requests for assistance from Extension Horticulture would be help with vegetable gardening. Each year many first time gardeners reach out seeking advice on how to grow a vegetable garden. Therefore a 3 day program was planned to cover a wide range of topics. The first night focused on the basics of beginning a vegetable garden along with specifics and details on many vegetable crops that can be grown in Kentucky. The second night was a focus on maintenance of the vegetable garden

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