Clark County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2019 - Jun 30, 2020

2021 - Fit Blue/Get Moving KY
2021.1) 20

Number of program participants who reported knowledge and skills gained about the benefits of physical activity

2021.2) 23

Number of program participants who demonstrated an increase in physical activity levels

2021.3) 0

Number of program participants who had one or more health indicator (cholesterol, blood pressure, body mass index, blood glucose) improved

2021.4) 0

Number of program participants who reported increased knowledge of places to access nutritious foods

Success Stories

FitBlue as Part of the Clark County Wellness Challenge

Author: Shonda Johnston

Major Program: Fit Blue/Get Moving KY

Fit Blue Kentucky ChallengeLow levels of physical activity, unhealthy nutrition, and poor mental health are all determinants of several chronic diseases. These behaviors are now considered major public health concerns and require effective behavior change interventions. Fit Blue is a community-based campaign to increase physical activity and health awareness in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Building physical activity into the day does not require special equipment or a certain location. As parti

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