Clark County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2019 - Jun 30, 2020

2073 - Super Star Chef
2073.1) 19

Number of individuals who recognize how to safely hold a chef’s knife

2073.2) 19

Number of individuals who recognize cross contamination issues when cooking 

2073.3) 19

Number of individuals who identify how to correctly wash fruits and vegetables 

2073.4) 19

Number of individuals who differentiate among foods that belong in the five major food groups

2073.5) 19

Number of individuals who recognize the daily physical activity recommendations for youth

Success Stories

Super Star Chef Program Empowers Children to Make Healthy Choices

Author: Shonda Johnston

Major Program: Super Star Chef

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than one third of in the US are overweight or obese. Data in 2017 for Kentucky shows the obesity rate for children ages 10-17 was nearly 20%, placing Kentucky at third highest in the nation for childhood obesity rates in this age group. This is a concerning statistic and the Clark County Extension Council recognized this concern, encouraging the Extension office to implement programming that targeted this issue.There are many

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