Clark County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2018 - Jun 30, 2019

1061 - Sustainable Agriculture
1061.2) 0

Number of producers that implemented sustainable practices as a result of participating in Extension programs

1061.1) 33

Number of those indicating an increased awareness of sustainable agriculture practices

Success Stories

Youth Ag Day

Author: Clay Stamm

Major Program: Sustainable Agriculture

In a time where the general public is becoming more and more unaware of where their food comes from and much less the processes of agriculture production, an advocacy for agriculture is needed. Gilkison Farms, the Clark County Cooperative Extension, and many other community partners are leading the charge for that advocacy by hosting the Clark County Youth Ag Day Program.The Youth Ag Day is actually a two day event that has been taking place at Gilkison Farms for the last several years. The goal

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