Carter County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2018 - Jun 30, 2019

1125 - Logging Training and Professional Education
1125.11) 20000

Total economic contribution from loggers participating in the program

1125.10) 20000

Dollars/Revenue provided to landowners annually

1125.9) 100

Number of landowners positively impacted by attendee

1125.8) 50

Number of streams afforded protection as a result of Extension programming

1125.1) 100
Number of loggers receiving education and training

1125.2) 100
Number of logging businesses represented/impacted

1125.3) 100

Number of individuals that increased their understanding of logging requirements

1125.4) 100

Number of loggers reporting an increase in knowledge base of laws and regulations

1125.5) 100

Number of those with increased knowledge associated with safe logging practice

1125.6) 100

Number of those with increased knowledge of best management practices

1125.7) 2000

Forest acreage positively impacted through Extension programming

Success Stories

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