Carroll County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2024 - Jun 30, 2025

4013 - Civic Engagement
4013.3) 10

Number of youth who identified the needs of others in their community

4013.5) 12

Number of youth who participated in a service activity (community service, service learning, personal service to others).

4013.7) 65

Number of youth who can recognized leaders in the community or area of interest.

4013.9) 3

Number of volunteers whose 4-H members identified the needs of others in their community.

4013.11) 3

Number of volunteers whose 4-H members participated in a service activity (community service, service learning, personal service to others).

4013.13) 3

Number of volunteers whose 4-H members recognized leaders in the community or area of interest.

Success Stories

KENTUCKY: History/Foods

Author: Joyce Doyle

Major Program: Civic Engagement

KENTUCKY: History/Foods

Last summer a homeschool mother came to me and ask if I would offer a homeschool club.  Of course, I said yes, and ask her what lessons  she would like taught.  She said Kentucky History would be a great place to start so I added a  homeschool class for each month of the school year.The first class was talking about the History of Kentucky, identifying the state of Kentucky on an United States Map, a craft of the shape of Kentucky, the symbols of Kentucky and the foods that a

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