Carroll County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2023 - Jun 30, 2024
4051 - Leadership | ||
4051.1) | 178 |
Number of youth who served in a leadership role. |
4051.2) | 54 |
Number of youth who worked in a team/group to accomplish a common task or goal. |
4051.3) | 54 |
Number of youth who understood how their actions impact others. |
4051.5) | 54 |
Number of volunteers whose 4-H members worked in a team / group to accomplish a common task or goal. |
4051.4) | 7 |
Number of volunteers whose 4-H members served in a leadership role. |
4051.6) | 54 |
Number of volunteers whose 4-H members understood how their actions impact others. |
4051.7) | 172 |
Number of Youth (5-18) engaged in L & CE 4-H Programming |
4051.8) | 12 |
Number of Volunteers (19+) engaged in L & CE 4-H Programming |
Success Stories
Leadership Club with Kindergarten
Author: Joyce Doyle
Major Program: Leadership

Due to so many students at Kathryn Winn Primary being unkind to others, a leadership club was implemented where these students will focus on “Be Kind” and the Leadership students will discuss some activities to show kindness. The leadership club students have engaged all students in writing thank you notes to their bus drivers, and have discussed how important bus drivers are for the school system. The club focused on different organizations that do so much for our commu
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County Fair Rewards 4-H Members
Author: Joyce Doyle
Major Program: Leadership

When most people think of the county fair, livestock immediately comes to mind. But so many exhibits are entered that market our year long projects. Of course livestock is important and teaches the members so much about being disciplined enough to take care and work hard to be the best they can be in the ring.Many projects are completed during the year. Electricity is a popular one where the members make a lamp from the beginning. I have been told that a
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