Carlisle County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2020 - Jun 30, 2021
4041 - Family and Consumer Science | ||
4041.1) | 58 |
Number of youth who participated in education related to family and consumer sciences (KOSA) |
4041.2) | 46 |
Number of youth who completed a 4-H Family and Consumer Science Project (PRACTICE) |
4041.3) | 0 |
Number of youth who practiced financial decision-making skills as a result of what they learned in 4-H (SEEC) |
4041.5) | 0 |
Number of youth who indicated “yes or usually” to the Common Measures Experience Survey Question #13 “Is 4-H a place where you have a chance to be a leader?” (SEEC) |
4041.4) | 0 |
Number of youth who indicated “yes or usually” to the Common Measures Experience Survey Question #6 “Is 4-H A place where you get to figure out things for yourself?” (SEEC) |
Success Stories
4-H Learns to Bake
Author: Brooke Hogancamp
Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

Food preparation is an essential life skill, with those preparations come the art of baking. An entire day was dedicated to 14 aspiring young 4-H Bakers who, over the course of 6 hours, were taught this very important life skill. Topics covered hand washing and sanitation, and proper measuring practices, methods, and terminology. The young bakers navigated multiple work stations to complete 6 different 4-H recipes for baked goods. The efforts of the participants resulted in 84 county
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment