Carlisle County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2020 - Jun 30, 2021
2066 - Nutrition and Food Systems General | ||
2066.3) | 0 |
Dollars in EBT, WIC, or Senior benefits redeemed at farmers’ markets |
2066.4) | 25 |
Number of families/caregivers who reported supplementing their diets with healthy foods that they grew or preserved (community or backyard gardens, fishing, hunting, farmers markets) |
2066.5) | 0 |
Number of individuals who reported increased knowledge, skills, or intentions related to using the nutrition facts label |
2066.2) | 170 |
Number of individuals who reported they utilized delivery systems/access points (e.g. farmers’ markets, CSAs, WIC, food pantries) that offer healthy foods |
2066.1) | 150 |
Number of individuals who reported eating 4-6 servings of fruits and/or vegetables daily |
Success Stories
Feeding Carlisle through Community Pantry Boxes
Author: Brooke Hogancamp
Major Program: Nutrition and Food Systems General
According to data collected by, 16.4% of Carlisle County residents are food insecure. Comparatively, this is higher than the national percentage of 14.0. The effects of COVID-19 on the community only drive those numbers upward, due to job loss and food accessibility. In an attempt to combat these statistics and get food onto the plates of their residents, the Carlisle County FCS Extension & Extension Homemakers joined forces with the Carlisle County Famil
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Community Gardening
Author: Brooke Hogancamp
Major Program: Nutrition and Food Systems General

Although an agricultural region, when it comes to available fresh produce, Carlisle County is lacking. With no notable producers of local fruits or vegetables, there is no farmer's market available in the entire county. Two local supermarkets provide the only available fresh options within over 20 miles. With that in mind, Ag and FCS Extension recognized a need and opportunity to provide the community with education, resources, and a small start up project. Gardening T
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment