Campbell County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2023 - Jun 30, 2024
4051 - Leadership | ||
4051.1) | 63 |
Number of youth who served in a leadership role. |
4051.2) | 297 |
Number of youth who worked in a team/group to accomplish a common task or goal. |
4051.3) | 22 |
Number of youth who understood how their actions impact others. |
4051.5) | 5 |
Number of volunteers whose 4-H members worked in a team / group to accomplish a common task or goal. |
4051.4) | 5 |
Number of volunteers whose 4-H members served in a leadership role. |
4051.6) | 0 |
Number of volunteers whose 4-H members understood how their actions impact others. |
4051.7) | 384 |
Number of Youth (5-18) engaged in L & CE 4-H Programming |
4051.8) | 23 |
Number of Volunteers (19+) engaged in L & CE 4-H Programming |
Success Stories
Leadership Development & Recognition
Author: Owen Prim
Major Program: Leadership

The success of the Cooperative Extension Service programming is due, in part, to the dedication of a large cadre of volunteers (Smith, Dasher & Klingborg, 2006). The 4-H Youth Development Programs especially depend heavily on adult and teen volunteers to play integral roles in 4-H programming by performing a wide variety of duties and functions. To better prepare these volunteers for their roles, the Kentucky 4-H Volunteer Forum was established.The Kentucky 4-H Volunteer Forum is
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Kentucky 4-H Inaugural Equine Task Force 2023-2024
Author: Owen Prim
Major Program: Leadership

Leadership development, career exploration, decision-making skills, youth voice and personal development are important parts of the Kentucky 4-H Youth Development program and are offered through the State 4-H Teen Leadership Boards. Until this program year, 4-H Teen Leadership Boards in Kentucky were offered for Fashion, Healthy Living, Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences, Performing Arts, Science, Engineering and Technology, Shooting Sports, Social Justice and State Teen Council.
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100th Annual Kentucky 4-H Teen Conference
Author: Kellsey Agnew
Major Program: Leadership

The 100th Annual Kentucky 4-H Teen Conference took place at the University of Kentucky from June 11th to 14th, 2024. The conference aimed to achieve several objectives for its participants, including developing leadership and teamwork skills, improving communication abilities, fostering civic engagement, expanding knowledge in 4-H core content areas, and enhancing social skills through networking. Additionally, the event provided an opportunity for youth to become acquainted with the University
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Campbell County Cloverbuds
Author: Kellsey Agnew
Major Program: Leadership

According to, “4-H’s hands-on approach is proven to grow life skills like confidence, independence, resilience, and compassion through stages and developed through experiences, not instruction. Traditionally 4-H begins at age 9, however over the years a program designed for younger youth has been developed. The 4-H Cloverbud program is an informal educational experience through which parents, other interested adults, and youth help young people develop confidence, social skil
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment