Campbell County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2019 - Jun 30, 2020

1122 - Forestry and Natural Resource Professional Education
1122.1) 42

Number of individuals that attended forestry and natural resource professional training

1122.2) 236

Number reporting an increase in knowledge of forest management and silvicultural practices as a result of Extension programming

1122.3) 18

Number of public forests that were positively impacted/practices implemented 

1122.1) 1657

Acreage of public forest that were positively impacted/practice implemented

1122.1) 236

Number of private landowners positively impacted /practices implemented

1122.1) 9317

Dollars saved/earned on public forests as a result of Extension programming

1122.1) 0

Private landowner forest acreage positively impacted/practices implemented

1122.1) 0

Dollars saved/earned on private forests as a result of Extension programming

Success Stories

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