Campbell County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2018 - Jun 30, 2019

1011 - Beef
1011.1) 12

Number of producers who reported improved record keeping practices as a result of Extension programs

1011.2) 73

Number of producers reporting changed or improved pasture management practices

1011.3) 18

Number of producers who reported saving money or reducing cost of operation

1011.4) 16

Number of producers who now practice efficient reproduction techniques

1011.5) 33

Number of producers who implement a crossbreeding program and utilize Expected Progeny Difference when selecting bulls

Success Stories

2018 A Year of Rain and Challenges

Author: Don Sorrell

Major Program: Beef

2018 a Year of Rain and Challenges As an Agriculture agent you often need to react to the challenges that the local farmers are facing at that very moment.  Unfortunately these challenges are often the results of weather events (that we have no control over) such as drought, storms or in the case of the spring of 2018 and the winter of 2018/2019, TO MUCH RAIN. The impact of what most farmers would consider too much rain resulted in poor quality hay in 2018 and mud beyond belief for liv

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