Calloway County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2019 - Jun 30, 2020
2031 - Nurturing Parenting | ||
2031.6) | 23 |
Number of individuals (parents and caregivers) reporting improved personal growth |
2031.8) | 23 |
Number of individuals (parents and caregivers) reporting improved personal skills (such as skills to prepare child for life; use positive discipline techniques; use of empathy, concrete support and proper family rules; effective self-care techniques) |
2031.7) | 23 |
Number of individuals (parents and caregivers) reporting improved personal knowledge (such as developmental stages of a child, techniques to encourage positive development, positive discipline techniques for children, healthy ways to promote children’s success in schools, and signs of abuse and neglect) |
2031.9) | 23 |
Number of people (families) who reported using preventative and positive discipline techniques in response to child’s misbehavior, and setting and enforcing logical consequences for children’s behaviors |
2031.10) | 23 |
Number of parents and/or caregivers who practice effective parenting skills, such as parental empathy, proper ways of establishing family rules, and concrete support to their child, to develop a sense of self-worth |
2031.11) | 23 |
Number of parents and/or caregivers who accessed community resources when needed |
Success Stories
Grab & Go Bags
Author: Kelly Mackey
Major Program: Nurturing Parenting

COVID-19...In a short matter of time, Extension programs as we know them came to an abrupt halt. Events, clubs and programs were cancelled in their traditional manner and everyone began working from home. With schools being closed and students at home, a strain was placed on parents and caregivers, who might also be working from home, to provide educational and fun activities for youth.Extension agents are familiar with adapting and becoming creative in order to meet the needs of our clientele.
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The Parenting Puzzle
Author: Kelly Mackey
Major Program: Nurturing Parenting

According to the 2019 Kids Count County Date Profile, Calloway County ranks 66th our of 120 counties for children between the ages of 0-17 that live in out of home care. In addition, the number of children in foster care in Calloway County has increased significantly since 2013. Children need safe homes and loving families in order to thrive. When children cannot remain in their parents' care - due to substance abuse, incarceration, or child maltreatment- grandparents, other relatives or fos
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