Caldwell County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2019 - Jun 30, 2020

1124 - Youth Forestry and Natural Resource Education
1124.1) 9

Number of youth who have engaged in a community project related to forestry/natural resource improvement or conservation

1124.2) 9

Number of youth who attended a 4-H forestry/natural resources education programs

1124.3) 9

Number of youth who have gained an understanding of forest/natural resource stewardship.

1124.1) 9

Number of youth who plan to or have completed a 4-H forestry/natural resources education project (ex. county and state fair   projects)

1124.4) 9

Number of youth who have shared information about their community’s forests/natural resources (ex. citizen science – Adopt A Tree/Feeder Watch)

1124.5) 9

Number of youth who can identify the forestry/natural resources in their community

Success Stories

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