Breckinridge County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2017 - Jun 30, 2018

2005 - Empowering Community Leaders (general)
2005.1) 35

Number of individuals reporting improved knowledge, opinions, skills, and/or aspirations (personal and interpersonal leadership, organizational leadership, community leadership, public policy/governmental process, etc.)

2005.2) 35

Number of individuals who practice personal and interpersonal leadership skills in clubs, schools and community outreach

2005.3) 35

Number of individuals who use communication, problem solving or group process skills to address organizational issues and need

2005.4) 35

Number of individuals addressing community problems by assessing community needs, developing and implementing solutions

2005.5) 0

Number of Extension empowered individuals engaged in existing coalitions or organizations to address a significant community issue

2005.6) 0

Number of Extension empowered individuals organizing new coalitions or organizations to address a significant community issue

2005.7) 2

Number of community problems resolved through actively engaged local leaders

Success Stories

Strengthening Volunteerism in Breckinridge County

Author: Lynnette Allen

Major Program: Empowering Community Leaders (general)

~~According to the Corporation for National and Community Civic Engagement, volunteerism is the cornerstone of a strong nation.  When considering volunteerism in local communities, Kentucky is ranked 36 of the 50 states and has only an average of 23.5% residents volunteering. In Breckinridge County local stakeholders continue to identify leadership development as a significant need to help advance community economic development and employment opportunities. The 2017-18 the local Extension P

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