In the state of KY, only 8.9% of adults consume two or more fruits and three or more vegetables daily. To increase this percentage, the Boyle County Nutrition Education Program Assistant partnered with the Danville Housing Authority to do a seven-week program using the curriculum Healthy Choices for Everybody. During the seven-week series, the NEP assistant went to the housing authority to have participants try new recipes with various vegetables and fruits. She also taught nutrition education l
In Boyle County, the poverty rate is at 14.8%. This statistic sparked a partnership idea for the Nutrition Education Program Assistant. The Boyle County Nutrition Education Program Assistant partnered with Haven Care, a center for young and expecting mothers. A 7-week program was started using the curriculum Healthy Choices for Everybody. The NEP Assistant focused on lessons regarding food safety and preparing meals on a budget to help participants stretch their food dollars and increase food se