Boyd County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2018 - Jun 30, 2019

4001 - 4-H Youth Development Programming
4001.2) 897

Number of youth who can comfortably talk to others about their thoughts and feelings

4001.3) 501

Number of youth who indicate they are connected to caring adults who are interested in their success

4001.4) 1021

Number of youth who apply the skills learned in 4-H and in other activities at home, school or in the community

4001.5) 995

Number of youth who reported that they can set and accomplish a goal

4001.1) 1002

Number of youth who indicated they know how to use information they are given to make decisions

Success Stories

Never too Young to Learn

Author: Rebecca Stahler

Major Program: 4-H Youth Development Programming

4-H Youth Development programs are designed to develop youth into confident, competent, and caring citizens.  Starting youth early can make a difference; therefore, Boyd County 4-H began a Cloverbud Club 12 years ago.Although known by various names around the country (e.g., Cloverkids or 4-H Prep), Ohio adopted the name "4-H Cloverbuds" for its youngest 4-H members when the program officially began in 1994.  Cloverbud club enrolls students ages 5-8 years old.  The goal o

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